All students attending the 2024 WSCW are guaranteed three classes and a finale concert during the day.
REPERTOIRE CLASS: Students participate in an hour long class with one of our outstanding cello teachers, focusing on repertoire and challenges of a particular Suzuki book, with 12-20 students in each class. Repertoire is listed in advance so that students may review.
TECHNIQUE CLASS: This group course is an intensive look at the technical challenges for cello players, with material selected by our talented cello teachers to match the Suzuki book level of the students in the class. Enrollment for each Technique class is generally 6-12 students, and technical topics range from physical postures to mental approaches, and challenge students to sharpen their tools with supportive cello studies and methods.
CELLO ORCHESTRA: All cellists play in the cello orchestra! Participants will be given orchestra music two weeks before the workshop, then meet at WSCW to rehearse together for one hour, and perform the selections at the final concert at 5:15.
ADVANCED ENSEMBLE: Cellists Book 5 and up are enrolled in the Advanced Ensemble, helping to sharpen their skills as dynamic players in a group environment of roughly 15-20 players. Students of the appropriate level are automatically enrolled in this course, and will be given material in advance.
CONCERT: The final concert is at 5:15, and features performances by the classes that worked during their day at WSCW, including the Repertoire class, as well as Advanced Ensemble and Cello Orchestra. Parents and families are encouraged to attend the concert!
TEACHER OBSERVERS: Teachers are invited to observe any of the WSCW classes. If you want to observe, please submit an email or verbal request, so that we have your contact information. You will be provided with a schedule of all classes, and may observe at your convenience.
Fill out the registration form COMPLETELY. Incomplete forms will not be processed!
Submit a separate form for each registrant. Teacher observers may register by directly emailing
Your credit card will be charged for the full amount of tuition and fees.
Expect a response via email. Please give us a valid email address that you check regularly. Don’t accidentally delete our response as spam — check your spam folder! The subject line will read “WSCW Registration Confirmation.”