All students attending the 2022 NCI will attend 3 to 5 classes each day.
WARM-UP CLASS: This large group class will focus on the fundamentals of proper cello technique — posture, balance, flexibility, tone production, etc. The class will be between 30 and 50 minutes each day.
ENSEMBLE CLASS: For this chamber music class students will be grouped by age and level. All participants will be part of an ensemble with daily meetings, guided by their instructor, and will perform at the end of the week. The focus of the class will be group playing and active listening.
LESSON CLASS: In this class students will receive a short private lesson each day. There will be 4 students in each class for students in Cello Course Books 1-4. There will be 3 students in each class for students in Cello Course Books 5 and up.
CELLO ORCHESTRA (Book 5+): In addition to these classes students in Books 5 and up will be enrolled in Cello Orchestra. Daily orchestra meetings prepare the 100+ cellos to perform their pieces during the Friday night concert.
ADVANCED TECHNIQUE (Book 6+): This class is optional (choose this option + fee during registration), and will focus on upper level technical challenges which address areas of the cello including those used in the Popper method books.
ALTERNATIVE METHODS (Book 3+): This class is optional (choose this option + fee during registration), and teaches cellists how to play by ear, improvise, and tune-in to the challenges of playing music outside the Suzuki tradition, mostly within a basic jazz framework.
TEACHER OBSERVERS: Teachers are invited to observe any of the other NCI classes for a registration fee. If you want to observe, please submit a registration form and select the Teacher Observer option; that way we will have your contact information. You will be provided with a schedule of all classes for the week, and may observe at your leisure. (A daily pass can also be purchased each day from the NCI main office in Pomona during the summer institute.)
CONCERTS: Concerts happen every weekday during the NCI, with an opening concert on Sunday evening. Concerts are at 4:15 PM and 7:15 PM each day, and feature a mix of visiting professionals, faculty performers, and student soloists/ensembles. The final concerts are on Friday in the afternoon and evening, and feature the cello ensembles that worked during their stay at NCI.
All Students will be enrolled in Warm-Up, Ensemble, and Lesson classes.
Students in Book 5 and up will be enrolled in Cello Orchestra.
Advanced Technique and Alternative Methods are open to those who choose to pay the additional fee and who meet the skill requirements (by Suzuki book level)
National Cello Institute
1825 Hill Dr.
Los Angeles 90041